
Strip brush machines

Machines for industrial and household

strip brush with sanding paper making machine

strip brush with sanding paper making machineСмотрите подробнее

Single metal back CNC strip brush winding machine

Single metal back CNC strip brush winding machineСмотрите подробнее

Strip brush machine with Automatic goat hair feeding system

Strip brush machine with Automatic goat hair feeding systemСмотрите подробнее

Strip brush machine with Sanding paper or Central foil or Rubber

Strip brush machine with Sanding paper or Central foil or RubberСмотрите подробнее

Double Band Strip Brush Machine

Double Band Strip Brush MachineСмотрите подробнее

Single Strip Brush Machine

Single Strip Brush MachineСмотрите подробнее

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KPT machines are not only used in China and Asia. Due to its simplicity and ease of use, high compatibility, super cost-effectiveness, standard components and largely avoiding failure-prone electronic components, KPT machinery is also popular in Europe (Germany, Poland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Serbia) North America (United States, Mexico), South America (Argentina, Brazil), Russia. Widely used in Australia, Africa (South Africa), Asia (Japan, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam).